Igor Melyalvarado21 i did not tell you we are friends. we cant know if you still talk to terrorists or not. why are you trying to talk to us? you have your own friends
Melyalvarado21 Igor im not a terrorist though you don't have to believe me i am just trying to make friends on the forum i am genuinely sorry about the whole situation but im not friends with soccer anymore
vile_Terrier Igor Me too. I could make a fool of myself by trying to do the voices of animals every time something happens to them or they express an emotion. XD
Igor vile_Terrier my musician friend is the most hardcore person i know, who is constantly getting attacked on the streets for shit talking, yet even he was afraid of doing phone calls at some point
galaxy-cabbage i just made a lobby with my freind kai, it feels like ive been here for an hour probably have