CLM7557 PiggyHead I’d like to point out that the penguin they chose is Antarctic and the twitter post stated, “ Guess whooooo I am! 👀” showing its most likely an owl. but I would prefer a panther or jaguar much more, it would fit the game better.
CLM7557 PiggyHead yes, humbolt, Galapagos and king the design for the game seems to be an emperor chick.
Falos1209 Igor Nah man, fuck these people, They are responsible for ruining Incredibox community and the creator's life
Igor PiggyHead after you wake up and before color goes to sleep maybe around this time or a bit later vile_Terrier will you be free at this time?
galaxy-cabbage if they are releaseing new charecter aftter charecter than i really want to get an axolotol and also thats cool alotta new charecters lots to do when update releases