galaxy-cabbage galaxy-cabbage so do u know how youll obtain them? sorry about all the questions im excited also wut u mean they cabbage type charecters
Igor Melyalvarado21 and did i ever tell you my age? how can you know if im mad or not on the internet? do you not see that you only make yourself look retarded here? do people like you just love showing their stupidity and humiliating themselves in public? do you love being pathetic little shit registering on forum just to insult people? you know me from somewhere, but no one here knows you. think about how miserable you are
Melyalvarado21 Igor im friends with soccer star I think you know him he is telling me to say stuff too you do you know him?
Igor Leahbug1226-razberry no one is banning me, dont worry. it's just offtopic thread, we talk here about food and chinese culture
Igor @PurpleNote you are a discorder. you must know who is organizing attacks on our forum and sending these minions here. can you explain to them on discord language that they will get nowhere? we can use you as translator like british colonists used that native american guy to speak to their people
Manolog0 Igor Hi Igor, I feel like I'm being too pushy, sorry about that, but could you help me play in quick match, at least for today? Color22 is offline right now
Igor Manolog0 tell him you want to play quick match tomorrow. you can also play winter cabin with other players
Manolog0 Igor Sure, that's fine, although what interests me the most about the game are the quick matches
Igor usually we play custom with our friends, but color will not be able to gather enough players. when i host, i can invite you. but when - i dont know
Igor but really i have unfriended so many people recently that im not sure if i can gather full lobby myself. i will have to go to quick match and meet new friends again
Manolog0 Igor I don't understand, can't it just be quick matches? Not custom ones, the classic matches of the game.