Igor PurpleNote another random who decided to add himself to shit list upon arrival. i dont know why they keep doing it to themselves
Igor Allie_love and who the fuck are you to talk to me like that? maybe because im from this forum and much older than you. and you are outsider who doesnt even play this game. now get the fuck out
Manolog0 Igor Hi Igor, I feel like I'm being too pushy, sorry about that, but could you help me play in quick match, at least for today? Color22 is offline right now
Igor @TinyTeaCupJr dont invite any of your friends here. this is party animals forum only for people who play party animals game
PiggyHead Igor 1. Busy with building Legos, my family wants to play game night everyday, stuff on roblox Yes
Igor PiggyHead i'll send you a link in egg game. what kind of legos are you building? and what is game night?