Igor red book soon to become jungle but americans were on red book before already, dont know what they needed this app for. i wrote here before how the dumbest posts you can see on the app are all in english. russians are already complaining about it
Igor also i have laughed at these two youtube comments last night top - east, bottom - west. this is the difference
Igor Color22 because i have finally learned to sleep for longer than 4 hours, but i still feel very tired all day
vile_Terrier Igor Try to sleep at least 6 hours. There was a time when I also slept 4 hours because I worked the night shift and there was a moment when I thought I was having hallucinations with red silhouettes.
Igor https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rGceedEW8/ it's fun seeing chinese friends listening to our music, but i wish they knew better music that we make
Igor vile_Terrier i just couldnt sleep longer, i would wake up, but then fall asleep during day. now i sleep longer, but i still cant leave my bed all day. this is the reason why you dont see anything new coming from me since autumn, i just have too little time to spend on doing something
Igor @PiggyHead two questions for you: why havent you been talking for a week? do you want to see unreleased characters?
PiggyHead Igor 1. Busy with building Legos, my family wants to play game night everyday, stuff on roblox Yes
Melyalvarado21 @"Igor"#p319i could easily beat you in a 1v1 but you know wouldn't want too discourage you lol