TinyTeaCupJr CheeseCake decent my mom told me to stay home bc if my side starts hurting again i'm going to the hospital
Thunderbird7047 I've also been doing great, I decided to pop over in the forum after a while to see how everything is going and things seem very peaceful, I am getting in the Christmas spirit and life is great
CheeseCake do you guys ever get that feeling when its December and you feel relaxed, warm, and chill, and when you go outside it smells fresh and beautiful? I do.
CheeseCake oh. well I hope your side feels better soon. have you tried like some medicine or something?
CheeseCake hey excuse me igor. I don't know or remember if you're like a staff member of forum or something. but do you know anything or know the date of when the party animals Christmas event coming this year? or some codes other than the macchiato skin?
CheeseCake Im thinking its some kind of ache or disease in your side azzy. was it something that you've ate that wasn't well cooked? if you could remember. maybe some bacteria got into it.
CLM7557 Before my departure until my next summoning, remember to not feed the anger, ignore it (targeted at Igor and roach) Have fun in life and like zoos.