Igor @Bubiany @PiggyHead thanks for playing with us today. too bad we couldnt host our room. everything is better in custom, except now it became harder to organize everyone. maybe we can set the same time when we play or agree to play on weekends
DoubleDash PiggyHead Sorry I am relying six days later but your brother wasn’t beating me up, I was beating him up. 😈
Igor CLM7557 then consider getting a job here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Toilet_Organization
Igor https://thefrankfurtedit.com/german-carnival-fastnacht-all-you-need-to-know/ this sounds fun. i like german holidays
Igor @Bubiany @PiggyHead we can play today again if you want, will probably be more people today @DoubleDash you can join us too if you want
DoubleDash Igor Thanks for the invite, I could probably play around 4:00. I am going to a friend’s house to watch a football game at 1:00. So I’ll get home around 4:00.