TinyTeaCupJr CLM7557 Bitch no one likes you when you die I will be dancing on your grave and don't mess with a sag
CLM7557 TinyTeaCupJr nah bro really named themselves after their friends account 💀 and they don’t even have party animals💀
TinyTeaCupJr CLM7557 Oh at least I have friends and I didn't make my acc and fun facts I am grounded and I would rather play fortnight unless I play with friend that you don't have
DoubleDash PiggyHead Sorry I am relying six days later but your brother wasn’t beating me up, I was beating him up. 😈
CLM7557 TinyTeaCupJr bro really is on a video game’s forum and don’t even play the game 💀 that’s just sad go get a life
TinyTeaCupJr CLM7557 I was thinking about starting to play party animals but you ruined it if I start it will be on my other gaming setup that I gave my mom