DoubleDash Igor Okay, I will not mention his name here again. He already left the forum I think. I played a game with him today on accident and he friended me after.
Igor let's hope when bad guys leave, our forum will become cleaner and more good people will be willing to join forum
Bubiany Igor i know, it's just that if i get tier 30 of the spy pass (by buying it) i will get the final skin for free if cats win
TinyTeaCup I'm leaving the Party Animals game behind. I will not play it anymore because my parents won't let me, smth. 🙄
TinyTeaCup Igor Idk, my other games? Here's a sample of the games I have, Forza 5 Forza 4 Amoung Us Fnaf Zoo Tycoon Fortnite 🙄 and the rest I forget...