Igor i like it when they mess up and accidentally set my message as best answer. too many times i saw that
TinyTeaCup Igor lol you posted this just in time the storm just passed my power was out for 3 hrs but still very cute love the licks
Igor we should now refer to people, who watch streamers as "cucks" and eunuchs, because that's really who they are
Igor an update should arrive tomorrow, i may upload video with it. i hope it's a good update and not a bad one, and i hope i wont need to redo video if there are more changes
Igor maybe i should upload the video before the update, because i dont want to change anything anymore
Igor let's play a guessing game. guess how many hundreds of tips there will be https://strawpoll.com/wby5QAPdKyA i don't know how many myself yet, i'm counting right now