@Cartrimino enemies turned allies
Ban this person on the forum
her first post made everyone hate her lol
CLM7557 me too. But he'll be back tomorrow.
there are 13 tips for american football that you can use to your advantage without having to resort to cheating. people learn to cheat before they learn to play. that's why they lose even when cheating. meanwhile i don't even attack enemies in sports game and almost never lose
and speaking of cheaters, we also have cheaters in hot wheels unleashed, who cut parts of the track. in their eyes they don't cheat, yet everyone hates them. and what is silly is that even when they cut huge parts of the track, they still manage to lose. it's people who cant play that resort to cheating. in the end they get what they deserve - they may win some games but no one will be friends with them
IgorsFan that is very true.
I just saw someone who joined October last year but their only post was saying they were going to delete the game because fling was removed- THEIR ONLY POST EVER
catgirl_cs i havent been in better mood since i bought this game
maybe i should order mcdonalds
now after their super powers got taken away from them, they will face players, who were practicing playing normally this whole time. their win rate will go down, and normal players will win more
"fling" is nothing more than compensation for lack of skill
Can somebody ask the discord mods to unban me?
swaft gasp
IgorsFan hello cringey 5 ur old that can’t play the game. I’m just here to tell u that you will still get destroyed by the pros. Go cry about ur lack of skill and pls don’t play this game again, party animals does not need ppl like you.
DarshdaMarsh look here
we all know that how you play is not important, because this is children's cute animals game. but because these losers talk about "skill" it is a great opportunity for us to use it against them and humiliate them. usually we never mention "skill" but bullying these losers is just too much fun
@PiggyHead log in to eggman game. check if you got the delivery