Chubby Igor Oh ok, you didn't say it well then. I thought we can set it in the game somewhere. But my and UnseenMind, or our combined way are good too. The developers will deceide which one, if they will do.
Chubby Igor Not just your idea can be good and nobody told you here the idea from you is better, or best. As i said, developers will decide it, which will they make, if they will make!
UnseenMind Igor Personally I like the two rows with 3 in one and 5 in the second that way the characters are aligned in the center. The way it is currently gives me OCD 😂
Igor UnseenMind do you see they stand on the floor with lockers behind them? how do you imagine two rows? them floating in the air?
Chubby Igor Of course in the 2nd row we can find wardrobes with floor too and that's how. Not so hard.
jej Bleachers/benches. Could have the back row standing behind the front row on benches or something high to make them stand higher than the front ones.