Post-Update observations so far...
The Update that supposedly banned all the flinging and other unintended exploit stuff also brought some unannounced changes while actually not really banning the flings completely.
- Somehow a certain % of players are still able to self- fling. What it depends on is uncertain (Credit to Boris).
Item fling is not fixed for Beast Football.
The Power Punch Launch is fixed, but with a caveat. As I mentioned in the thread, the standard move set got partially affected.
Any other input during the power punch is locked until the animation finishes. This makes quick dodge-rolling / dropkicking or jumping away no longer possible, it used to be a nice thing that could help avoid punishment if you misfired your punch.
On top of this, some variables in the game seem to have been buffed. I don't have a concrete proof for this other than my experience with the game and the "feel of the competitive player".
- All player momentum in the game has seemingly been altered/boosted. Punches, kicks, weapons hit harder, KOs are longer on average, throwing is easier, climbing is better. The combat actually feels sharper/snappier. But if it's all true and I am not hallucinating, then I really fail to understand why this hasn't been mentioned in the patch notes. However, it's been noticed a number of times a bunch of things like these don't get mentioned, and it's kinda important to do so.
There has still been no proper communication from the developers regarding the entire post-update drama and I guess they did not expect such a reaction from the community. But all of that is priceless dev experience. and hopefully we hear something from them soon.
I personally can't say the game has become unfun and it's time to quit it like I see a lot of people do on Discord for example. In fact, I think it's a huge overreaction of an emotional response. I've played this game since release, accumulated nearly 1000 hours and still have fun with it, because the core of it stays the same. But it's my personal view, one of many.
I would probably prefer that the devs don't affect the standard move set by preventing input during punch, but then again, I am not sure what would be the proper way to solve that it if self-fling fix is taken into account. It's a complicated matter.
Fun observation: the game is actually slowly gaining players post-update instead of rapidly losing them. But for a proper statistic we need to wait a month or so with the fling fix present and working properly (so we can see the player peak for July).