So now that everyone is updated to the current version of the game, does anyone actually prefer last stand as 4v4 now? I don't. I know most people don't. But I'm sure someone does. I'm curious why.

Beyond that, do we have any hope the devs will change back to our usual 2v2v2v2? I hope so, but it doesn't seem like too much of what gets said here is actually listened to (though to be fair, in a lot of cases, that's for the best)

    Maybe you should have a button in the pre game lobby to Change it from 4v4 to 2v2v2v2 if it’s possible it solve everyone’s problems🙂

    I liked 4v4, I thought it was fun, but I think it should be a separate mode

    Allistervf Being upset at feautre, mechanic or any other aspect of the game doesn't give you right to speak for everyone else. You may even think majority people wants things your way by looking at forums, twitter or any other social media but truth in gaming industry it's just a small percentage of community.

    Now you have to clarify what do you mean the usual 2v2 because duo mode still exists. 4v4 for three or four players premade works great so far and it's good start. It might use some tweaks as it's very quick mode comparing to duo last stand.
    And sure, queue can be adjusted, improved by changing matchmaking. Hiding chance to face another full premade behind matchmaking instead of forcing it through system. Maybe when players queue up with just two it shouldn't count 4v4 last stand mode in.
    4v4 last stand is definitely better in terms of being fair to all players from enemy team. I said it once but i will say it again, when you have duo last stand where 4 players queued up together they will work together against all other players first. That itself makes a 2v2 last stand pointless.
    From the experience so far me and all friends that play together definitely prefer 4v4 last stand than playing against each other.

      Yellow Clearly I don't speak for everyone, I was expressly asking for the opinions of people who feel the opposite of myself. Did you read?

      I never said anything about 2v2. That would be even worse. I was asking if people preferred the new 4v4 as opposed to the classic, with 4 teams of 2.

      I think players who are in 4 stacks should be separated off to face only other premade teams of 4 as often as possible, be use personally I preferred when there were 4 teams, not two. It was crazier and felt more complex. Just more fun in general really. The frequency of getting rolled into a 4-man team is almost every game now and it's just not as fun.

      Thanks anyway for your opinion.

        Allistervf You say you don't speak for everyone yet you said earlier, i quote "I don't. I know most people don't.". So yes, i did read.
        By 2v2 i was reffering to 2v2v2v2 mode of course that you mentioned.
        Problem still exists with 3 player stack therefore there needs to be 4v4 that includes solo players.
        Some achievements are impossible to get with 4v4 so it's most likely first step in matchmaking evolution and it's good one.

          Yellow Imma have to agree on yellow with this one. It seems to be a good transition step but only if it remains a "transition step" and is not permanent

          I say I know most people don't, because most times it's brought up here, it's in the form of a complaint. Your opinion is still appreciated.

          This is why I say most people don't. One topic in favor of 4v4, the rest against. Not speaking for everyone. Entirely observational.

          • jej likes this.
          7 days later

          I do think there needs to be a preference toggle for exactly how one would prefer the "Last Stand" modes would be played.

          While they're at it since they've already implemented a 4v4 option, they might as well have an option for it to be truly free-for-all (1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1).