• Feature
  • Allow people to chat while dead and to see chats from afar.

Fellers. The chat function in hit game Party Animals is criminally underused and underated, like 1/15 rounds there will be like only 1 player chatting.

So to fix that silly willy issue, i say we improve the chat function, here are some ideas:
-Allow players to send messages or at least 1 message while dead and not being spectator yet.
-Allow spectators to chat with one another with messages appearing in the edges of their screens.
-and make the chat bubbles have an anchored size that is not too big, or a way to make it readable from a bit of distance.

(epic style)

((truly epic))

  • AnimaI, Chilldilly, Kae, and 5 others like this.
  • We are designing this function, and the general idea is as follows:
    If the player dies, then it can post some comments, and the comments will fly across the entire screen from right to left (if you watch Bilibili or Twitch you should know what I'm talking about)
    Comments consume resources, such as coins (to avoid excessive text harassment)

Also I kind of wish the game had a chat window or something else to see offscreen / past messages. The speech bubble above players head that stays there for like 5 seconds is really hard to read or even see at all if the player isn't right next to you.

  • Kae likes this.

I do agree with this, we should be able to chat while in the extremely long character select, and when we're dead/spectating. Kind of sucks when a team mate kills you that you can't be like yo, I'm actually on your team.

This. All of this.

Communication is key. Or so someone a lot smarter than me said. I just stole the quote. Because it's true.

5 days later

We are designing this function, and the general idea is as follows:
If the player dies, then it can post some comments, and the comments will fly across the entire screen from right to left (if you watch Bilibili or Twitch you should know what I'm talking about)
Comments consume resources, such as coins (to avoid excessive text harassment)


    I think she means the words will travel from right to left, so that your eyes seeing a single point would cross each word from left to right.

      2 months later