Cartrimino Like I've tried to give you another chance for the past ten posts.
I don't even know what you want from me. Do you want to shake hands or what?
but to quote myself.
Einsamer_Keks If you would stop insulting people then I would also act much nicer to you. Life is simple like that.
Cartrimino He's only a dick to people who don't deserve kindness
Also everyone deserves kindness.
Acting like this only results in a circle of hate. Break the cicle (Unintended Trepang² reference)
Cartrimino Igor is just trying to make this place better.
Then he should really think about his strategy. I don't see how insulting people and harrassing them out of the forum is making this place any better.
But I appreciate the more calm attempt! But like I said before. I just want people here to be nice and friendly. It is a kids forum afterall.