Igor PiggyHead i was just wondering why you dont post your clips anymore. "draw" is UI bug. the people who code the UI make a lot of mistakes
PiggyHead https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgpU_0WjT-B66UH5qew Immediate death https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgpVDmQ1lFJthgUkzzg This is why you shouldn't dropkick https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgpVEM_c0s-SEJuSwVg Stepping on a taser https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgpVFt0bgahogwBkVpw Thanks for the fire cracker https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgpVGlGbfd4SrURB9DQ This is why you shouldn't get involved + Lloyd jumps off a cliff https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgpVH47aiWYtIXWsWAg Piggy can't climb
Igor MrJoe this is what i was talking about. it doesnt work embedded. you'll also need to improve your xbox clips video quality. we talked about it before but i forgot about it already. it's in this thread above
Igor MrJoe it will take a lot of refreshing to make it play, you need to download videos and upload to forum
PiggyHead Dead seal flop Swinging by headbutt The swing of death https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgphxjRrHn0GxESk3zA?e=ObMMyI Massivepaw's hand is stuck https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgphyQau7zMHWhy2_DQ?e=1Vhueb The ghost of @PiggyHead