UnseenMind I haven’t played this map yet but I love how the devs are really exploring scene atmosphere in their latest maps

UnseenMind it has nothing to do with your tv. i was looking for a fix for this issue but i simply couldn't find it anyone talking about it. ask reddit maybe

TEEDA gets it: I think this was the result of yet another dodgy front-flip of mine off the podium, but I seemed to catch @TEEDA on the way. Only one thing to do after that ... drag him around for a bit until I get the inevitable beatdown.

    jej wait aren't you on xbox too? how did you make your video quality better?

    • jej replied to this.

      BugalugsNugget i know you're definitely on xbox. how did you make your video quality better than @UnseenMind has? let's get to truth of this issue

      this was a fun moment, thank you for recording it, i didn't record

        Igor You can adjust the quality settings in the Xbox capture menu. Maybe @UnseenMind has really low settings - something like 480p? I think my captures are initially 1080p (so HD) at either 30 or 60fps (not sure). The clips I upload are downscaled to 720p. Everything else like frame rate is kept the same. I'll have to have a read of what's wrong with the clips from @UnseenMind. I must've missed that.

        I've got one more clip to upload, where @PiggyHead locked me in the phone booth. I'll upload that tomorrow.

        • Igor replied to this.

          BugalugsNugget they are from US. if they play with us, they'll suffer. if we play with them, we'll be the ones to suffer. it will be good manners for us to suffer before them, the issue is that it's hard for me to join other people as i always have my friends to play with. we cant make them all suffer