Igor Penguinkkkk you don't have to spam all the forum just because of one fuck, thank you. his threads are being moved to events related anyway
BugalugsNugget One lump or two? Legend has it that this headbutt was heard on another continent. Unfortunately, while it looked impressive, it wasn't enough.
BugalugsNugget Failure to launch: Latest footage from SpaceX on their recent Starlink launch. Barely left the launchpad.
PiggyHead https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9jDYSW4jBc09UygA Red, how could you https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9kADmkHQnYCI3sLA Practice fling https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9iewNj1-rFV5mbRw I threw him deep down https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9hPtWvQ8eIgMQfAQ Sharing https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9gXYA0ccKeSpCCuA Weird KO roll https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9fpGyjRXqseW4Z7Q I escaped just in time https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9ejyBtcyIA-lpTPA 1000-ton glitch https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9d_1L5Pvcp1Dzcyg Green won because of a dumb accident https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9cVK1kjrhtBRtT6Q Punched 2 yellow in a row https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9btsBjOlUK7elGgA High fly banana slip https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9a4722wyCVxdVMnw Bob's big flop
Fasty PiggyHead Do I understand correctly that you are the same Bob from discord who handed out the codes for tik tok nemo?🤔
BugalugsNugget Some great stuff there, @PiggyHead. Bob's Big Flop remains my favourite. I've watched that about 10 times already.
BugalugsNugget Premature Celebration: I'm proud of this goal (I mostly suck at Soccer), but not so proud of the failed front-flip off the podium. Plus, is it just me or is there some tension between Xmas Macchiato and Pink Max at the front there?
BugalugsNugget Igor Haha. It's not usually that good (this is my excuse for mostly sucking, of course). I'm only on a 25mbit connection, and even that feels like dial-up sometimes.
PiggyHead https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9rMLtvK8wbp2h4ZQ Thanks for killing yourself https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9sENK9KB9epCGY3A A close draw https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ag8WJ80fBOHkgo9t360yva-Y3Ft4Vg Too easy