DoubleHeat I was always wondering how the knock-out slow motion works in such a multiplay game. How the devs make all players sync after the the slow motion effect? Could someone who knows the mechanic tell me? I really want to figure it out!
Bonito_117 i ask myself the same thing everyday, except it also happens in other games, like payday 2 but so far the only explanation i have is either programming magic or literal magic if anyone has an actual explanation help we gotta know
DoubleHeat Akbay I had thought about many ways including this one, but I watched the clip down below many times (start at 14:25), the ice puck slide straight forward but looks like there is no any acceleration on it. It pure magic.
Kelp555 Is it normal that the slow mo KO is disabled in local multiplayer? I noticed it and man it's probably the best gameplay feature and it's sad it's missing in the local MP when it's the best chance to laugh at your friends