MilkyOtta So, by releasing the guide, you're actually helping me,
that is strange logic. we recommend no one to deal with merchants. some people will still buy for you, but what i will do is tell them not to. i wrote guides regardless if there were merchants or not and i can do it regardless if you are here or not. recently no one asked any help, and none of our friends needed guides, that's why i didnt make them.
what i did in the past is gave codes to people just so they dont give money to merchants. like pensky codes. now after some random people abused my help, i only give codes to my friends. you can "help" those randoms in need, but it still doesnt mean we want to see ads of paid services here
MilkyOtta BTW, I will still help people for free if they ask me to guide them to get skins free.
I am doing things in my way, which can't be affected by you, you should put less effort here with me but to help more people for free first if you are truley willing to help all.
then do it where you were doing it before. in a place where you already have good reputation and people know you. here, again, we dont need help from anyone. we gather all information ourselves and post it on forum. and not try to lure people away from here by advertising reddit. even if your help on reddit was all free, if you use discord, you should know that it's forbidden to advertise other servers. you do the same here. we dont need help from any other places