MisterSquidward who the fuck are you?
MisterSquidward "fomo" is not a discord term, it was a term coined in 1996 meaning "Fear of Missing Out"
you didnt even get the point but trying to sound smart. likely a retard discorder by the way how dumb you sound
MisterSquidward Outside of playing the same maps over and over there isn't anything else to keep players interested besides collecting skins
the game is interesting to play. cringe weirdos are those who collect pixels in videogames
MisterSquidward Also just saw you have over 8000 posts on these forums. Holy shit go outside and touch grass instead of being a loser on here.
another dipshit thinking that he knows me? did you knew that despite these 8000 posts this is the only place i post online? i dont spend hours on social media every day like most people. how about you tell them to "go touch grass"? go count how many messages people on discord send. just so you know, using chat room takes more time of your day than using forum. and have you seen what i do during my day to say to go "touch grass"? i cant even find time to play videogames with how busy i am
it's really like losers like you come to this forum just to show their stupidity. but like i always say, no one is stopping you from embarrassing yourself