Luw I am playing and this teammate killed me all rounds. He knocked me out and threw me seriously far, while I was holding enemies. Where do I report this?!
Bubiany Luw you can go to pause menu when the round is going and select "player info" or something like that, then click on your teammate and there should be a report button
Luw I did it, but I doubt it would work. It seems this players met me before as an enemy, now he became my teammate he held grudge and killed me 6 rounds. Waste of time, I blocked him and hope would not meet such toxic player again
Bubiany Luw players like these obviously make the game not fun, it's a shame most of them are not getting banned
Pearli CheeseyPoofs I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but if you look closer at the picture theres no one in the lobby that selected face/off so his teammate really was killing him
bkramer Not sure how he was throwing you far, he doesn't have the throw boost ability. Some players are able to do that though, not sure what the strat for that is but it's annoying especially when they do throws like that from awkward grips that shouldn't get as much distance.