One of the pawers I was thinking of was called Fusion. If a player with this pawer attacks an opponent holding a weapon, they 'fuse' with that weapon and gain attack buffs and any pawers involving weapons the other player has. For example, if someone with this pawer attacks someone with a taser and the Gatling Gun pawer, they gain rapid fire tasers for hands. Unlike if they were just holding the weapon, the fused player can still perform other attacks and grab. If a player with this pawer holding a weapon attacks another weapon, the two weapons will fuse. The attacks for the two weapons are mapped to the punch and headbutt button. If they want to use the attack of the weapon they already had, they must use the punch button. If they want to use the other weapon, they must use the headbutt button. If two players with this pawer grab each other, they will fuse. One player would control movement while the other would control attack. It also functions as an extra life as if the fusion dies, the two players would respawn in a safe point of the map. This would add a bit of strategy and teamwork that many other pawers do not have.