Igor Angel_mmo preordering videogames is not smart. the royal nemo only makes you look like a fool. if you want to stand out, then do something of value
Angel_mmo Igor Well, everyone gives themselves the luxuries they can, I don't need to demonstrate something of great value in a simple game either, the skins speak for themselves
Cartrimino Angel_mmo look, no one here agrees with the exclusivity claim you have. Just stop being like this because you think that a skin being made available for new players will ruin your life.
Angel_mmo Cartrimino Ok it is understood but my problem is more about the wasted money, it would be a scam to return something that was sold at the time as something that would be gone forever
Cartrimino Yeah that last post was an accident. I mean, the lotus skin was advertised as limited edition about 4 months ago and he's in the item shop as I'm typing this message. I don't think anyone would care.
Angel_mmo Cartrimino You are wrong, the lotus skin was free for everyone just by logging in, the skins are the exclusive ones