Chubby Borozipa I don't want to fight either. But it's a goose, check Harry the the duck, he is a real duck. I finished it!
bkramer Borozipa Yeah my profile is Lloyd the goose. Your post says you want to change him to a duck. But if they do that then there will be no goose and 2 ducks.
bkramer Borozipa That's why I'm saying I disagree with your thread. If they make Lloyd into a duck then there would be no goose.
ShinyToot bkramer I agree alot with you If we wouldn't have the amazing Untitled Goose Game reference with the Sunhat.
bkramer Borozipa I don't understand your argument then. You want to change Lloyd to a duck, and then add a different goose? What's the point of that?
Borozipa Falos1209 wait...valentines day is in party animals.SO IGOR IS TELLING ME THAT MAX IS A GIRL???!?!
meep Igor you know another weird thing for Valentine’s Day? If you go to the blue goal in beast football you can see Nemo with his arm around macchiato. Don’t even try to call this gay Igor. Macchiato is a girl, but some skins are boys