Igor https://live.bilibili.com/5495774?broadcast_type=0&is_room_feed=1&spm_id_from=333.999.live_users_card.0.click&live_from=86001 live now
Fricky Igor I told you I'm dumb American who doesn't get technology. help me get code and I am forever in your favor.
Igor ThisGuy123 he shows the codes on screen, but as my friend told me today, you need a verified bilibili account to watch the stream. your other option is watch this thread if i post codes https://forum.partyanimals.com/d/2960-ban-this-person-on-the-forum/1167 it may already be too late when i post them, but because i post text, you can copy and paste it instead of typing it in manually
PiggyHead Nadodouha Added refresh function to the friend list Players can know check to see all relevant achievements to the map they are playing (system menu - buttom bar - Achievement) Fixed an issue where after completing Black Sails Beast difficulty in duo mode, the achievement cannot be unlocked
Nadodouha Guys if there is anyone playing with Xbox controller please tell me how are you using the face off pawer
GreenPeaFG Now that is released, we’re one step closer to, which features the new kart racing mode!
Nadodouha Igor can you answer me without telling me the thread idea and i know that this is news thread
Cartrimino Nadodouha you are. You're spamming new threads without checking if they 1. Already exist or 2. Could go somewhere else.
Nadodouha Cartrimino ok ok I'm sorry and I'm not going to open this fuckin forum for 5 days so all of you will be happy bye bye see you after 5 days
Nadodouha Cartrimino ok ok I'm sorry and I'm not going to open this fuckin forum for 5 days so all of you will be happy bye bye see you after 5 days