This Can be fun for other players if they want the game to make it more fun for custom, I'm thinking we should add more of that!
Knockback - This will be very funny if there is a button for that for how much knockback you can put, we ca just launch the player as far as they can!
More Item Spawns - This can make the items spawn faster or slower by using a bar on the options menu for custom!
A Timer! - This can be actually more funnier with a timer that for a custom match if you want to make a timed match
and you can also add no timers
Lifes - This can be funnier but kind of fun with no timers, we can add Lifes to end the game and can change how many lifes, (same with the Timer!)
Certain Items - For this option this can only spawn that item you put on the option menu
This is a little but this can be fun for other players!
i might be able to add more ideas to this soon!
Custom Game modes this is not really a custom option, but this can get player more fun with creative people like The Floors Lava! this can really change the game