Igor you think I like being rude to u? I don't, I really don't. I wasn't rude to BRR In fact he and I are friends now and he inv me to play every day. Fuzz was mean to me first and was targeting me for no reason. I was never rude to Teeda for not gifting me skins. I asked him once to do a valentine skin trade and he said no, so I just left and traded with someone else. I'm sorry to Furzy if she reads this, and all I can say is I'll pray for u. I have almost 300 friends in Pa. I met cat girl in qm, and her parents didn't want her to have and online friends, but I became so good friends with her that her parents let her be my friend. all of my friends are from Qm. you got me like 10 friends. Igor I don't want to fight. we both know its the wrong thing to do. lets stop this now.