UnseenMind Gotta say, I think there's some truth in what @Igor wrote. One thing I've noticed is that those who are always super-nice and kind to your face, behind the scenes quite often do some nasty stuff. I've had this a lot in my life, with stuff said and done behind my back that I'd never dream of doing, all while these people are lovely to my face.
With @Igor, I might not always agree with the way he acts and behaves, but I feel that if I were being a c*ck, he'd probably be the first to tell me. I like that. Of course, I still think Igor is a nice guy. He just likes "stirring things up" at times and getting reactions. This was evident in this thread much earlier - someone wanted to bring the thread to a conclusion, only for him to want it to continue. That made me laugh, and resulted in my "essay" about what I'd figured out about Igor in my short time here, somewhere in the nearly 200 messages above.
Having said that, I've not yet figured out how all of this applies to Party Animals. Maybe Igor's just protecting his own a** with this wisdom. Sorry @Igor, couldn't resist it.