Falos1209 there are two under-age users called @forts and @xx123123 they keep spamming nonsense on random people's post for no reason at all most of them are littery empty and then we got @cuntcuntcunt who littery made the most disrespectful post ever, he littery insulted the devs by calling the r word just because he was just bad at the game like seriously @cuntcuntcunt , what did you expect for did you really think they are gonna say "oH No, He'S GonNa qUit PLayIng 0uR gaME we hAve To dO sOMEthing" it's just a game you have to be angry like that.
ElementalBoy1 Falos1209 Not to mention another person goes by NEEEEEEEE, he's keeps spamming gibberish letters on to everyone's discussion post forums too.