Joeyz VanillaNimo Hey that's awesome! Do you by chance know anyone who is offering the Orange Nemo skin?
VanillaNimo The fastest way is to ask your Chinese friends. If you have a Chinese friend, he or she can help you get the code directly through the official method. Or can get it on Chinese social media because the pink or orange skin codes can be redeemed on other servers after redeeming them on Chinese servers.
Kaled VanillaNimo Sucks because I don't have a chinese friend nor do I know any chinese social media :/
Goldphoenix VanillaNimo Can i add you, in game or steam? I will appreciate if you and your chinese friends helps me. Really, i wil be greatfull
VanillaNimo If you want to get the code on your own, you can only get the Pink Ghost Skin because the Orange Ghost Skin requires having a Chinese ID. This is the bilibili page.( Click on the red box to register for an account. Click on the +86 box to select the region of your cell phone number, e.g. +1 for the United States or Canada. Click on this and you'll get a text message, then put the code in and click the blue button to register successfully Then open this video ( two hours. Click this link:( The pickup button appears when the progress bar is full And finally you get the code.
VanillaNimo If I get new codes, I'll share some of them here If you want to play the game with me, here's my friend code 3YFQPM, but please don't ask me how to get skins in-game!
Joeyz VanillaNimo That's very nice of you to share some of the codes! 😄 I will add you on PA as a friend so we can play some games together. 👍
VanillaNimo If you have a discord Nitro Nemo code, this will help to exchange orange or pink skins with other people Because even your used code can be redeemed on Chinese servers. This method needs to be verified, I'll verify it tomorrow to make sure it's available
VanillaNimo Joeyz Yes, I will share the code here when I get it. You can try this code but I don't know what's in it, I guess it's pink Q5SLUW5H56
Joeyz VanillaNimo I tried the redeem code and it says I already own this pack (which my guess is the pink Nemo). So good luck to whoever claims this code and enjoy the Pink Nemo skin! 🙂