jej Can we get event updates and patch notes on here too? Not just the regular updates patch notes. Was caught off guard seeing people talking about nerfs and Halloween events on here but couldn’t see a official post
jej RxPhantom Twitter just feels really overwhelming for me, here everything was in one place and easy to navigate
RxPhantom Twitter doesn't seem to have posts in any kind of order either. I scanned so many posts and saw nothing about this update. I'm not rejoining either. Twitter is the worst.
jej RxPhantom I see more recommended posts than I do the posts from the people I follow on there. I had to manually search up Party Animals into Twitter and put on my notifications for them in case this happens again lmao
jej UnseenMind it was posted hours ago but you might be right, they could plan on updating us about it here tomorrow or later in the day
jej Just going to drop this here.
Nullstrukt Another possible alternative to Twitter is to check the Steam Store page for the game. It has been updated pretty regularly and quickly with any patch notes or news: