BugalugsNugget Beak, meet wall: Couldn't catch a break here - unless shattering my beak against the wall counts?
BugalugsNugget Special delivery: A lucky bomb throw. What's the term @Igor and @Kittenpower , "precisely calculated"?
Igor AI malfunctioned final moments of drug addict defending our goal, standing backwards, before he overdosed this is precise calculation @BugalugsNugget @Kittenpower wants to pick up coal, but then decides to die
komikoza This bat is possessed! (Invis Potion) (Dunno how you guys feel about such edits, let me know if I should just post unedited ones)
Igor Penguinkkkk you don't have to spam all the forum just because of one fuck, thank you. his threads are being moved to events related anyway
BugalugsNugget One lump or two? Legend has it that this headbutt was heard on another continent. Unfortunately, while it looked impressive, it wasn't enough.