komikoza Fixed the issue where the Beat-Up Bridge would become extremely unstable by throwing bombs at specific locations..
Wrayyne Got these 3 made earlier this morning - This random sweetheart threw the game on purpose so I could get this mega-pain achievement <3 (saw some make Bug Report threads about it not popping but mine popped right here, proof at the end) Bro's helmet got his teammate and himself screwed over twice here lol One of my easily Top 5 Scariest Party Animals Moments
UnseenMind Wrayyne Tbh most people that make bug reports about the acheivements I think probably just don't do them right lol
jej Does anyone else try to copy things they’ve seen people post here? I’ve tried so many times to do the brick knock out and I’m yet to achieve it.
komikoza jej You really don't always have a chance, would have to single out somebody away from the commotion. You can also move the bricks closer to the edge after the round starts to simplify your murder plans. 🙃
Nullstrukt Igor I love the videos you and @komikoza post so much, ha ha ha. That second video with the pool table killed me, lol.
komikoza Had one of the most bizarre physics moments happen recently. All planned of course, demonstration of pure unmatched skill.